Brien lived a life loving, encouraging and supporting others. He dedicated much of his life to coaching team sports and leading young people to be the best they could be (physically, mentally and spiritually). In 2013, Brien’s family bought him a bike. After a lot of hard work and dedication, he became an avid triathlete participating in events across the Gulf Coast. One of the many things Brien was known for is when he would finish the race he would turn around to go back and help others finish their race.
On November 21, 2016, the night of the accident, Brien and his son-in-law, Frankie, were training for the Pensacola Sports Double Bridge Run. A vehicle on US 98 cut the turn lane early and struck Brien in the bike lane. Just days after the accident a family friend organized a gathering of over 50 people to help Frankie complete the "Last Mile" of the route that him and Brien were running days earlier. In the years that followed, support grew with friends and family gathering annually to honor the family by running one of Brien's favorite routes downtown.
In 2019, the family created a non-profit to host a sunset run at Seville Quarter. In an effort to promote healthy living we raised funds to support Pensacola's first remote CPR training program through the YMCA of Northwest Florida. In total, The Last Mile has seen over 1,000 participants and raised $54,000 to bring awareness to safer streets and youth programs in honor of Brien's life. Today, we are honoring his legacy by partnering with anyone who is willing to become the best version of themselves.